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- Chart of Accounts
- ÀáAccount TypeÀá
- There are eight account types (see table). Select an account’s type by clicking
- the appropriate tab at the upper-left of the window. Every account must have a
- unique number. All account numbers have a one-digit prefix followed by a four
- digit number. The one-digit prefix identifies the type. The four digits identify
- the account within that type.
- Remember, M.Y.O.B. always keeps the accounts in account number order.
- ÀáAccount NumberÀá
- Every account must have a unique number. All account numbers have a one-
- digit prefix followed by a four digit number. The one-digit prefix identifies the
- type. See the preceding chart for a description of account types. The last four
- digits identify the account within that type. You may use any four digits except
- 0000.
- Remember, M.Y.O.B. keeps the accounts in account number order. If you wish to
- reorder your accounts, simply change the account numbers.
- ÀáNote:Àá If you enter less than four digits, M.Y.O.B. fills in with zeros.
- ÀáAccount NameÀá
- Enter up to 30 characters to describe the account.
- ÀáSection HeadersÀá
- Section headers are non-postable accounts that contain detail accounts. They
- serve no accounting purpose except to group and total detail accounts for
- reporting clarity. Section headers are displayed in bold type in the chart.
- You are not required to use section headers—all of your accounts (except for the
- level 1 accounts, see Levels) may be detail accounts.
- For each section header, you may decide whether or not to generate a report total
- of the accounts within the section.
- You may create Section Headers at levels 2 or 3.
- ÀáDetail AccountsÀá
- Detail accounts are postable accounts that aggregate to a particular section
- header.
- If you note that an account has checking privileges, enter the last check number.
- When M.Y.O.B. displays the Write Checks window, the next check number in the
- sequence is the default. If you change the check number on the Write Checks
- screen, M.Y.O.B. changes the last check number field in the account record.
- You may create Detail Accounts at levels 2, 3 or 4.
- ÀáNote:Àá The equity account called Current Year Earnings behaves a bit differently.
- It is a detail account, but you may not post to it. It is reserved by M.Y.O.B. for
- recording your monthly profit or loss. The account has a current balance (your
- year-to-date profit or loss), but does not have a transaction history.
- ÀáThe Current BalanceÀá
- Accounts display their current balance. For Asset, Liability and Equity accounts
- (see Note) the current balance is the current valuation of the account. For
- Income, Expense, Cost of Sales, Other Income and Other Expense accounts the
- current balance is the net activity in the account since the beginning of the fiscal
- year.
- The Current Balance of a section header is the sum of the detail accounts within
- the section.
- Detail accounts have an arrow next to Current Balance. Click it to zoom to the
- Account Transaction Detail display.
- ÀáLevelsÀá
- Levels allow you to maintain a very detailed chart of accounts without cluttering
- up your financial reports. M.Y.O.B. allows up to four levels of accounts. You are
- not required to use levels, but if you do you may choose the level of account detail
- when reporting.
- Level 1 is the highest level and is reserved by M.Y.O.B. for the account type
- (asset, liability, etc.). Level 4 is the lowest, most detailed level. M.Y.O.B.
- displays your chart of accounts as an outline, indenting two spaces for each level.
- The distinction between section headers and detail accounts forms the basis for
- levels. Level 1 is reserved for the account type. It is the only account at level 1
- and it is a section header. You may change its name (if you want to change 'Assets'
- to 'Stuff I own,' go ahead) and subtotal option. You may not delete it, change its
- number, or move it to another level.
- You may create accounts at levels 2, 3 and 4. Every account must aggregate to a
- section header above it at the previous level. A level 3 detail account, for
- example, must aggregate to a level 2 section header which, in turn, must
- aggregate to a level 1 section header. You may create section headers at levels 2
- and 3. Detail accounts can be at 2, 3, or 4.
- When you enter a new account, M.Y.O.B. takes its best guess as to which level
- you want. To change it, click the correct level on the level control.
- ÀáChanging the Level of an AccountÀá
- The level of an account is shown in the level control at the bottom right of the
- window. To move the account, simply click the desired level number. If the level
- number is grey, the account cannot be moved to that level. Remember, before
- you can move an account to another level, there must be a section header above it
- at the previous level.
- ÀáNote:Àá When creating your chart of accounts, enter all of your section headers
- before entering your detail accounts. It’s faster and more accurate at guessing
- the proper account level.
- See Chapter 2 of your User's Guide for a more complete description of levels.
- ÀáCreating a New AccountÀá
- Choose whether this new account is a section header or detail account. Next type
- a unique account number and press Tab. The account appears in the list with the
- name NEW ACCOUNT. Type the account name (up to 30 characters) and press
- Tab. Make sure the account level is correct. If it’s a section header, verify the
- report subtotal checkbox. If it’s a detail account, check whether it has checking
- privileges.
- When you’re ready, click OK or press Enter. The Account Information box is
- ready for the next account.
- ÀáEditing an AccountÀá
- There are two ways to select an account to edit. Either click the account name in
- the list or enter the account number in the Account Information box and press
- Tab. Either way, the Account Information appears. You may change the account
- number, account name, checkboxes and, if allowed, the account level. A detail
- account with transactions assigned to it may not be deleted or changed to a section
- header. A section header may be changed to a detail account.
- When you change an account’s number, the account list is reordered (in account
- number order). If a section header is separated from its sub-accounts, they are
- moved up one level. If the section header is moved up or down a level, its sub-
- accounts are moved with it.
- ÀáHistorical BalancesÀá
- If you wish to compare this year’s balance sheet and income statement to last
- year’s without waiting a year for M.Y.O.B. to collect the data, you need to enter
- historical balances for your accounts. Just click the Historical Balances
- button.
- ÀáBudgetsÀá
- You may set monthly budgets for any detail account by clicking the Budgets
- button.